reconice is a company dedicated to the market of speech recognition technologies applied to healthcare. These are the systems that allow doctors to produce reports in real time, simply by dictating them to the computer. It has now been demonstrated that the vocal reporting allows to reduce the release time of the report, anticipating any therapies and decreasing the days of hospitalization.
Solutions based on speech recognition are already widespread in the imaging field (radiology, neuroradiology, nuclear medicine) and it is natural to foresee their extension to all specialties. The widespread adoption envisaged for electronic medical records will also contribute to their adoption.

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”
Research and Innovation
Innovation is the lifeblood of reconice:
- the first in Italy to offer a voice recognition solution with multidisciplinary medical vocabulary;
- the first in Italy to propose a remote front-end voice recognition technology (direct mode, with transcription on server) highly scalable, with a minimum bandwith more than 40 simultaneous active users on a single server (small / medium power);
- the first in Italy with a system that does not require any initial training phase: even the adjustment of the acquisition volume is automatic;
- the first in Italy to have released the voice recognition technology in the Cloud, integrated in an HTML5 editor, for use with any browser;
- the first in Italy with a truly OS-independent solution, capable of operating on any operating system.